Source code for py_trees.console

# License: BSD

# Description

Simple colour definitions and syntax highlighting for the console.


**Colour Definitions**

The current list of colour definitions include:

 * ``Regular``: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white,
 * ``Bold``: bold, bold_black, bold_red, bold_green, bold_yellow, bold_blue, bold_magenta, bold_cyan, bold_white

These colour definitions can be used in the following way:

.. code-block:: python

   import py_trees.console as console
   print(console.cyan + "    Name" + console.reset + ": " + console.yellow + "Dude" + console.reset)


# Imports

import os
import sys

# Special Characters

def correct_encode(original: str, replacement: str, encoding: str = sys.stdout.encoding):
    except UnicodeError:
        return replacement
    return original

lightning_bolt = correct_encode(u'\u26A1', "SYNC")
double_vertical_line = correct_encode(u'\u2016', "||")
check_mark = correct_encode(u'\u2713', "S")
multiplication_x = correct_encode(u'\u2715', "F")

# Keypress

[docs]def read_single_keypress(): """Waits for a single keypress on stdin. This is a silly function to call if you need to do it a lot because it has to store stdin's current setup, setup stdin for reading single keystrokes then read the single keystroke then revert stdin back after reading the keystroke. Returns: :obj:`int`: the character of the key that was pressed Raises: KeyboardInterrupt: if CTRL-C was pressed (keycode 0x03) """ def read_single_keypress_unix(): """For Unix case, where fcntl, termios is available.""" import fcntl import termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() # save old state flags_save = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) attrs_save = termios.tcgetattr(fd) # make raw - the way to do this comes from the termios(3) man page. attrs = list(attrs_save) # copy the stored version to update # iflag attrs[0] &= ~(termios.IGNBRK | termios.BRKINT | termios.PARMRK | termios.ISTRIP | termios.INLCR | termios. IGNCR | termios.ICRNL | termios.IXON) # oflag attrs[1] &= ~termios.OPOST # cflag attrs[2] &= ~(termios.CSIZE | termios. PARENB) attrs[2] |= termios.CS8 # lflag attrs[3] &= ~(termios.ECHONL | termios.ECHO | termios.ICANON | termios.ISIG | termios.IEXTEN) termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, attrs) # turn off non-blocking fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags_save & ~os.O_NONBLOCK) # read a single keystroke ret = # returns a single character if ord(ret) == 3: # CTRL-C termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, attrs_save) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags_save) raise KeyboardInterrupt("Ctrl-c") # restore old state termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, attrs_save) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags_save) return ret def read_single_keypress_windows(): """Windows case, can't use fcntl and termios. Not same implementation as for Unix, requires a newline to continue. """ import msvcrt # read a single keystroke ret = if ord(ret) == 3: # CTRL-C raise KeyboardInterrupt("Ctrl-c") return ret try: return read_single_keypress_unix() except ImportError as e_unix: try: return read_single_keypress_windows() except ImportError as e_windows: raise ImportError("Neither unix nor windows implementations supported [{}][{}]".format(str(e_unix),str(e_windows)))
############################################################################## # Methods ##############################################################################
[docs]def console_has_colours(): """ Detects if the console (stdout) has colourising capability. """ if os.environ.get("PY_TREES_DISABLE_COLORS"): return False # From # plat = sys.platform supported_platform = plat != 'Pocket PC' and (plat != 'win32' or 'ANSICON' in os.environ) # isatty is not always implemented, #6223. is_a_tty = hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty() if not supported_platform or not is_a_tty: return False return True
has_colours = console_has_colours() """ Whether the loading program has access to colours or not.""" if has_colours: # reset = "\x1b[0;0m" reset = "\x1b[0m" bold = "\x1b[%sm" % '1' dim = "\x1b[%sm" % '2' underlined = "\x1b[%sm" % '4' blink = "\x1b[%sm" % '5' black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white = ["\x1b[%sm" % str(i) for i in range(30, 38)] bold_black, bold_red, bold_green, bold_yellow, bold_blue, bold_magenta, bold_cyan, bold_white = ["\x1b[%sm" % ('1;' + str(i)) for i in range(30, 38)] else: reset = "" bold = "" dim = "" underlined = "" blink = "" black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white = ["" for i in range(30, 38)] bold_black, bold_red, bold_green, bold_yellow, bold_blue, bold_magenta, bold_cyan, bold_white = ["" for i in range(30, 38)] colours = [bold, dim, underlined, blink, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, bold_black, bold_red, bold_green, bold_yellow, bold_blue, bold_magenta, bold_cyan, bold_white ] """List of all available colours.""" def pretty_print(msg, colour=white): if has_colours: seq = colour + msg + reset sys.stdout.write(seq) else: sys.stdout.write(msg) def pretty_println(msg, colour=white): if has_colours: seq = colour + msg + reset sys.stdout.write(seq) sys.stdout.write("\n") else: sys.stdout.write(msg) ############################################################################## # Console ############################################################################## def banner(msg): print(green + "\n" + 80 * "*" + reset) print(green + "* " + bold_white + + reset) print(green + 80 * "*" + "\n" + reset) def debug(msg): print(green + msg + reset) def warning(msg): print(yellow + msg + reset) def info(msg): print(msg) def error(msg): print(red + msg + reset)
[docs]def logdebug(message): ''' Prefixes ``[DEBUG]`` and colours the message green. Args: message (:obj:`str`): message to log. ''' print(green + "[DEBUG] " + message + reset)
[docs]def loginfo(message): ''' Prefixes ``[ INFO]`` to the message. Args: message (:obj:`str`): message to log. ''' print("[ INFO] " + message)
[docs]def logwarn(message): ''' Prefixes ``[ WARN]`` and colours the message yellow. Args: message (:obj:`str`): message to log. ''' print(yellow + "[ WARN] " + message + reset)
[docs]def logerror(message): ''' Prefixes ``[ERROR]`` and colours the message red. Args: message (:obj:`str`): message to log. ''' print(red + "[ERROR] " + message + reset)
[docs]def logfatal(message): ''' Prefixes ``[FATAL]`` and colours the message bold red. Args: message (:obj:`str`): message to log. ''' print(bold_red + "[FATAL] " + message + reset)
############################################################################## # Main ############################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': for colour in colours: pretty_print("dude\n", colour) logdebug("loginfo message") logwarn("logwarn message") logerror("logerror message") logfatal("logfatal message") pretty_print("red\n", red) print("some normal text") print(cyan + " Name" + reset + ": " + yellow + "Dude" + reset) print("special characters are\n") print("lightning_bolt: {}".format(lightning_bolt)) print("double_vertical_line: {}".format(double_vertical_line)) print("check_mark: {}".format(check_mark)) print("multiplication_x: {}".format(multiplication_x))