Source code for py_trees.meta

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

Meta methods to create behaviours without needing to create the behaviours

# Imports

from . import behaviour
from . import common

# Utility Methods

[docs]def create_behaviour_from_function(func): """ Create a behaviour from the specified function, dropping it in for the Behaviour :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.update` method. Ths function must include the `self` argument and return a :class:`~py_trees.behaviours.common.Status` value. It also automatically provides a drop-in for the :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.terminate` method that clears the feedback message. Other methods are left untouched. Args: func (:obj:`function`): a drop-in for the :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.update` method """ class_name = func.__name__.capitalize() def init(self, name=class_name): behaviour.Behaviour.__init__(self, name=name) def terminate(self, new_status): if new_status == common.Status.INVALID: self.feedback_message = "" return type(class_name, (behaviour.Behaviour,), dict(__init__=init, update=func, terminate=terminate))