Source code for py_trees.demos.lifecycle

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

.. argparse::
   :module: py_trees.demos.lifecycle
   :func: command_line_argument_parser
   :prog: py-trees-demo-behaviour-lifecycle

.. image:: images/lifecycle.gif

# Imports

import argparse
import py_trees
import time

import py_trees.console as console

# Classes

def description():
    content = "Demonstrates a typical day in the life of a behaviour.\n\n"
    content += "This behaviour will count from 1 to 3 and then reset and repeat. As it does\n"
    content += "so, it logs and displays the methods as they are called - construction, setup,\n"
    content += "initialisation, ticking and termination.\n"
    if py_trees.console.has_colours:
        banner_line = + "*" * 79 + "\n" + console.reset
        s = "\n"
        s += banner_line
        s += console.bold_white + "Behaviour Lifecycle".center(79) + "\n" + console.reset
        s += banner_line
        s += "\n"
        s += content
        s += "\n"
        s += banner_line
        s = content
    return s

def epilog():
    if py_trees.console.has_colours:
        return console.cyan + "And his noodly appendage reached forth to tickle the blessed...\n" + console.reset
        return None

def command_line_argument_parser():
    return argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description(),

[docs]class Counter(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour): """ Simple counting behaviour that facilitates the demonstration of a behaviour in the demo behaviours lifecycle program. * Increments a counter from zero at each tick * Finishes with success if the counter reaches three * Resets the counter in the initialise() method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Counter"): """ Default construction. """ super(Counter, self).__init__(name) self.logger.debug("%s.__init__()" % (self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def setup(self): """ No delayed initialisation required for this example. """ self.logger.debug("%s.setup()" % (self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def initialise(self): """ Reset a counter variable. """ self.logger.debug("%s.initialise()" % (self.__class__.__name__)) self.counter = 0
[docs] def update(self): """ Increment the counter and decide upon a new status result for the behaviour. """ self.counter += 1 new_status = py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS if self.counter == 3 else py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING if new_status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS: self.feedback_message = "counting...{0} - phew, thats enough for today".format(self.counter) else: self.feedback_message = "still counting" self.logger.debug("%s.update()[%s->%s][%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status, self.feedback_message)) return new_status
[docs] def terminate(self, new_status): """ Nothing to clean up in this example. """ self.logger.debug("%s.terminate()[%s->%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.status, new_status))
############################################################################## # Main ##############################################################################
[docs]def main(): """ Entry point for the demo script. """ command_line_argument_parser().parse_args() print(description()) py_trees.logging.level = py_trees.logging.Level.DEBUG counter = Counter() counter.setup() try: for unused_i in range(0, 7): counter.tick_once() time.sleep(0.5) print("\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") pass