

Program to render dot/svg/png graphs of methods that return a pytree.

Point this program at a method which creates a root to render to dot/svg/png.


$ py-trees-render py_trees.demos.stewardship.create_tree
$ py-trees-render --with-blackboard-variables
$ py-trees-render --name=foo py_trees.demos.stewardship.create_tree
$ py-trees-render --kwargs='{"level":"all"}' py_trees.demos.dot_graphs.create_tree

usage: py-trees-render [-h]
                       [-l {all,fine_detail,detail,component,big_picture}]
                       [-n NAME] [-k KWARGS] [-b] [-v]

Positional Arguments


space separated list of blackboard variables to watch

Named Arguments

-l, --level

Possible choices: all, fine_detail, detail, component, big_picture

visibility level

Default: “fine_detail”

-n, --name

name to use for the created files (defaults to the root behaviour name)

-k, --kwargs

dictionary of keyword arguments to the method

Default: {}

-b, --with-blackboard-variables

add nodes for the blackboard variables

Default: False

-v, --verbose

embellish each node in the dot graph with extra information

Default: False
