Surviving the Crazy Hospital

Your behaviour trees are misbehaving or your subtree designs seem overly obtuse? This page can help you stay focused on what is important…staying out of the padded room.



Many of these guidelines we’ve evolved from trial and error and are almost entirely driven by a need to avoid a burgeoning complexity (aka flying spaghetti monster). Feel free to experiment and provide us with your insights here as well!


  • Keep the constructor minimal so you can instantiate the behaviour for offline rendering

  • Put hardware or other runtime specific initialisation in setup()

  • The update() method must be light and non-blocking so a tree can keep ticking over

  • Keep the scope of a single behaviour tight and focused, deploy larger reusable concepts as subtrees (idioms)


  • Avoid creating new composites, this increases the decision complexity by an order of magnitude

  • Don’t subclass merely to auto-populate it, build a create_<xyz>_subtree() library instead


  • When designing your tree, stub them out with nonsense behaviours. Focus on descriptive names, composite types and render dot graphs to accelerate the design process (especially when collaborating).

  • Make sure your pre/post tick handlers and visitors are all very light.

  • A good tick-tock rate for higher level decision making is around 1-500ms.