Source code for py_trees.demos.pick_up_where_you_left_off

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

.. argparse::
   :module: py_trees.demos.pick_up_where_you_left_off
   :func: command_line_argument_parser
   :prog: py-trees-demo-pick-up-where-you-left-off

.. graphviz:: dot/

.. image:: images/pick_up_where_you_left_off.gif

# Imports

import argparse
import functools
import py_trees
import sys
import time

import py_trees.console as console

# Classes

def description(root):
    content = "A demonstration of the 'pick up where you left off' idiom.\n\n"
    content += "A common behaviour tree pattern that allows you to resume\n"
    content += "work after being interrupted by a high priority interrupt.\n"
    content += "\n"
    content += "EVENTS\n"
    content += "\n"
    content += " -  2 : task one done, task two running\n"
    content += " -  3 : high priority interrupt\n"
    content += " -  7 : task two restarts\n"
    content += " -  9 : task two done\n"
    content += "\n"
    if py_trees.console.has_colours:
        banner_line = + "*" * 79 + "\n" + console.reset
        s = "\n"
        s += banner_line
        s += console.bold_white + "Trees".center(79) + "\n" + console.reset
        s += banner_line
        s += "\n"
        s += content
        s += "\n"
        s += banner_line
        s = content
    return s

def epilog():
    if py_trees.console.has_colours:
        return console.cyan + "And his noodly appendage reached forth to tickle the blessed...\n" + console.reset
        return None

def command_line_argument_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description(create_root()),
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('-r', '--render', action='store_true', help='render dot tree to file')
    group.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true', help='pause and wait for keypress at each tick')
    return parser

[docs]def pre_tick_handler(behaviour_tree): """ This prints a banner and will run immediately before every tick of the tree. Args: behaviour_tree (:class:`~py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree`): the tree custodian """ print("\n--------- Run %s ---------\n" % behaviour_tree.count)
[docs]def post_tick_handler(snapshot_visitor, behaviour_tree): """ Prints an ascii tree with the current snapshot status. """ print( "\n" + py_trees.display.unicode_tree( root=behaviour_tree.root, visited=snapshot_visitor.visited, previously_visited=snapshot_visitor.previously_visited ) )
def create_root(): task_one = py_trees.behaviours.Count( name="Task 1", fail_until=0, running_until=2, success_until=10 ) task_two = py_trees.behaviours.Count( name="Task 2", fail_until=0, running_until=2, success_until=10 ) high_priority_interrupt = py_trees.decorators.RunningIsFailure( child=py_trees.behaviours.Periodic( name="High Priority", n=3 ) ) piwylo = py_trees.idioms.pick_up_where_you_left_off( name="Pick Up\nWhere You\nLeft Off", tasks=[task_one, task_two] ) root = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="Root") root.add_children([high_priority_interrupt, piwylo]) return root ############################################################################## # Main ##############################################################################
[docs]def main(): """ Entry point for the demo script. """ args = command_line_argument_parser().parse_args() py_trees.logging.level = py_trees.logging.Level.DEBUG root = create_root() print(description(root)) #################### # Rendering #################### if args.render: py_trees.display.render_dot_tree(root) sys.exit() #################### # Tree Stewardship #################### behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(root) behaviour_tree.add_pre_tick_handler(pre_tick_handler) behaviour_tree.visitors.append(py_trees.visitors.DebugVisitor()) snapshot_visitor = py_trees.visitors.SnapshotVisitor() behaviour_tree.add_post_tick_handler(functools.partial(post_tick_handler, snapshot_visitor)) behaviour_tree.visitors.append(snapshot_visitor) behaviour_tree.setup(timeout=15) #################### # Tick Tock #################### if args.interactive: py_trees.console.read_single_keypress() for unused_i in range(1, 11): try: behaviour_tree.tick() if args.interactive: py_trees.console.read_single_keypress() else: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: break print("\n")