Source code for py_trees.utilities

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

Assorted utility functions.

# Imports

import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import traceback

# Python Helpers

[docs]def static_variables(**kwargs): """ This is a decorator that can be used with python methods to attach initialised static variables to the method. .. code-block:: python @static_variables(counter=0) def foo(): foo.counter += 1 print("Counter: {}".format(foo.counter)) """ def decorate(func): for k in kwargs: setattr(func, k, kwargs[k]) return func return decorate
[docs]def truncate(original: str, length: int) -> str: """ Provide an elided version of the string for which the last three characters are dots if the original string does not fit within the specified length. Args: original: string to elide length: constrain the elided string to this """ s = (original[:length - 3] + '...') if len(original) > length else original return s
############################################################################## # System Tools ##############################################################################
[docs]class Process(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._pconn, self._cconn = multiprocessing.Pipe() self._exception = None
[docs] def run(self): try: self._cconn.send(None) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() self._cconn.send((e, tb))
@property def exception(self): if self._pconn.poll(): self._exception = self._pconn.recv() return self._exception
[docs]def which(program): ''' Wrapper around the command line 'which' program. Args: program (:obj:`str`): name of the program to find. Returns: :obj:`str`: path to the program or None if it doesnt exist. ''' def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, unused_fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None
[docs]def get_valid_filename(s: str) -> str: """ Return the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean filename (without extension). Remove leading and trailing spaces; convert other spaces and newlines to underscores; and remove anything that is not an alphanumeric, dash, underscore, or dot. .. code-block:: python >>> utilities.get_valid_filename("john's portrait in 2004.jpg") 'johns_portrait_in_2004.jpg' Args: program (:obj:`str`): string to convert to a valid filename Returns: :obj:`str`: a representation of the specified string as a valid filename """ s = str(s).strip().lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('\n', '_') return re.sub(r'(?u)[^-\w.]', '', s)
[docs]def get_fully_qualified_name(instance: object) -> str: """ Get at the fully qualified name of an object, e.g. an instance of a :class:`~py_trees.composites.Sequence` becomes 'py_trees.composites.Sequence'. Args: instance (:obj:`object`): an instance of any class Returns: :obj:`str`: the fully qualified name """ module = instance.__class__.__module__ # if there is no module, it will report builtin, get that # string via what should remain constant, the 'str' class # and check against that. builtin = str.__class__.__module__ if module is None or module == builtin: return instance.__class__.__name__ else: return module + '.' + instance.__class__.__name__