Source code for py_trees.behaviour

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

"""The core behaviour template for all py_tree behaviours."""

# Imports

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import re
import typing
import uuid

from . import blackboard, common, logging

# Behaviour BluePrint

[docs]class Behaviour(abc.ABC): """A parent class for all user definable tree behaviours. Args: name: the behaviour name, defaults to auto-generating from the class name Raises: TypeError: if the provided name is not a string Attributes: (:class:`uuid.UUID`): automagically generated unique identifier for the behaviour (:obj:`str`): the behaviour name ~py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour.blackboards (typing.List[py_trees.blackboard.Client]): collection of attached blackboard clients ~py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour.status (:class:`~py_trees.common.Status`): the behaviour status (:data:`~py_trees.common.Status.INVALID`, :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`, :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE`, :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS`) ~py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour.parent (:class:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour`): a :class:`~py_trees.composites.Composite` instance if nested in a tree, otherwise None ~py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour.children ([:class:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour`]): empty for regular behaviours, populated for composites ~py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour.logger (:class:`logging.Logger`): a simple logging mechanism ~py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour.feedback_message(:obj:`str`): improve debugging with a simple message ~py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour.blackbox_level (:class:`~py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel`): a helper variable for dot graphs and runtime gui's to collapse/explode entire subtrees dependent upon the blackbox level. .. seealso:: * :ref:`Skeleton Behaviour Template <skeleton-behaviour-include>` * :ref:`The Lifecycle Demo <py-trees-demo-behaviour-lifecycle-program>` * :ref:`The Action Behaviour Demo <py-trees-demo-action-behaviour-program>` """ def __init__(self, name: str): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError( "a behaviour name should be a string, but you passed in {}".format( type(name) ) ) = ( uuid.uuid4() ) # used to uniquely identify this node (helps with removing children from a tree) str = name self.blackboards: typing.List[blackboard.Client] = [] self.qualified_name = "{}/{}".format( self.__class__.__qualname__, ) # convenience self.status = common.Status.INVALID self.iterator = self.tick() self.parent: typing.Optional[ Behaviour ] = None # will get set if a behaviour is added to a composite self.children: typing.List[Behaviour] = [] # only set by composite behaviours self.logger = logging.Logger(name) self.feedback_message = "" # useful for debugging, or human readable updates, but not necessary to implement self.blackbox_level = common.BlackBoxLevel.NOT_A_BLACKBOX ############################################ # User Customisable Callbacks ############################################
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None: # noqa: B027 """ Set up and verify infrastructure (middleware connections, etc) is available. Users should override this method for any configuration and/or validation that is necessary prior to ticking the tree. Such construction is best done here rather than in __init__ since there is no guarantee at __init__ that the infrastructure is ready or even available (e.g. you may be just rendering dot graphs of the trees, no robot around). Examples: * establishing a middleware connection to a sensor or driver * ensuring a sensor or driver is in a 'ready' state This method will typically be called before a tree's first tick as this gives the application time to check and verify that everything is in a ready state before executing. This is especially important given that a tree does not always tick every behaviour and if not checked up-front, it may be some time before discovering a behaviour was in a broken state. .. tip:: When to use :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.__init__`, :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.setup` and when to use :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.initialise`? Use :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.__init__` for configuration of non-runtime dependencies (e.g. no middleware). Use :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.setup` for one-offs or to get early signal that everything (e.g. middleware) is ready to go. Use :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.initialise` for just-in-time configurations and/or checks. There are times when it makes sense to do all three. For example, pythonic variable configuration in :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.__init__`, middleware service client creation / server existence checks in :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.setup` and a just-in-time check to ensure the server is still available in :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.initialise`. .. tip:: Faults are notified to the user of the behaviour via exceptions. Choice of exception to use is left to the user. .. warning:: The kwargs argument is for distributing objects at runtime to behaviours before ticking. For example, a simulator instance with which behaviours can interact with the simulator's python api, a ros2 node for setting up communications. Use sparingly, as this is not proof against keyword conflicts amongst disparate libraries of behaviours. Args: **kwargs: distribute arguments to this behaviour and in turn, all of it's children Raises: Exception: if this behaviour has a fault in construction or configuration .. seealso:: :meth:`py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.shutdown` """ pass
[docs] def initialise(self) -> None: # noqa: B027 """ Execute user specified instructions prior to commencement of a new round of activity. Users should override this method to perform any necessary initialising/clearing/resetting of variables prior to a new round of activity for the behaviour. This method is automatically called via the :meth:`py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.tick` method whenever the behaviour is not :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`. ... note:: This method can be called more than once in the lifetime of a tree! """ pass
[docs] def terminate(self, new_status: common.Status) -> None: # noqa: B027 """ Execute user specified instructions when the behaviour is stopped. Users should override this method to clean up. It will be triggered when a behaviour either finishes execution (switching from :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING` to :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE` || :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS`) or it got interrupted by a higher priority branch (switching to :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.INVALID`). Remember that the :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.initialise` method will handle resetting of variables before re-entry, so this method is about disabling resources until this behaviour's next tick. This could be a indeterminably long time. e.g. * cancel an external action that got started * shut down any temporary communication handles Args: new_status (:class:`~py_trees.common.Status`): the behaviour is transitioning to this new status .. warning:: Do not set `self.status = new_status` here, that is automatically handled by the :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.stop` method. Use the argument purely for introspection purposes (e.g. comparing the current state in `self.status` with the state it will transition to in `new_status`. .. seealso:: :meth:`py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.stop` """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update(self) -> common.Status: """ Execute user specified instructions when the behaviour is ticked. Users should override this method to perform any logic required to arrive at a decision on the behaviour's new status. It is the primary worker function called by the :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.tick` mechanism. Returns: the behaviour's new status :class:`~py_trees.common.Status` .. tip:: This method should be almost instantaneous and non-blocking .. seealso:: :meth:`py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.tick` """ return common.Status.INVALID
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: # noqa: B027 """ Destroy setup infrastructure (the antithesis of setup). Users should override this method for any custom destruction of infrastructure usually brought into being in :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.setup`. Raises: Exception: of whatever flavour the child raises when errors occur on destruction .. seealso:: :meth:`py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.setup` """ pass
############################################ # Private Methods - use inside a behaviour ############################################
[docs] def attach_blackboard_client( self, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, namespace: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> blackboard.Client: """ Create and attach a blackboard to this behaviour. Args: name: human-readable (not necessarily unique) name for the client namespace: sandbox the client to variables behind this namespace Returns: a handle to the attached blackboard client """ if name is None: count = len(self.blackboards) name = if (count == 0) else + "-{}".format(count) new_blackboard = blackboard.Client(name=name, namespace=namespace) self.blackboards.append(new_blackboard) return new_blackboard
############################################ # Public - lifecycle API ############################################
[docs] def setup_with_descendants(self) -> None: """Call setup on this child, it's children (it's children's children, ).""" for child in self.children: for node in child.iterate(): node.setup() self.setup()
[docs] def tick_once(self) -> None: """Tick the object without iterating step-by-step over the children (i.e. without generators).""" # no logger necessary directly relays to tick for _unused in self.tick(): pass
[docs] def tick(self) -> typing.Iterator[Behaviour]: """ Tick the behaviour. This function is a generator that can be used by an iterator on an entire behaviour tree. It handles the logic for deciding when to call the user's :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.initialise` and :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.terminate` methods as well as making the actual call to the user's :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.update` method that determines the behaviour's new status once the tick has finished. Once done, it will then yield itself (generator mechanism) so that it can be used as part of an iterator for the entire tree. .. code-block:: python for node in my_behaviour.tick(): print("Do something") .. note:: This is a generator function, you must use this with *yield*. If you need a direct call, prefer :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.tick_once` instead. Yields: a reference to itself .. warning:: Users should not override this method to provide custom tick behaviour. The :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.update` method has been provided for that purpose. """ self.logger.debug("%s.tick()" % (self.__class__.__name__)) if self.status != common.Status.RUNNING: self.initialise() # don't set self.status yet, terminate() may need to check what the current state is first new_status = self.update() if new_status not in list(common.Status): self.logger.error( "A behaviour returned an invalid status, setting to INVALID [%s][%s]" % (new_status, ) new_status = common.Status.INVALID if new_status != common.Status.RUNNING: self.stop(new_status) self.status = new_status yield self
[docs] def iterate(self, direct_descendants: bool = False) -> typing.Iterator[Behaviour]: """ Iterate over this child and it's children. This utilises python generators for looping. To traverse the entire tree: .. code-block:: python for node in my_behaviour.iterate(): print("Name: {0}".format( Args: direct_descendants (:obj:`bool`): only yield children one step away from this behaviour. Yields: :class:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour`: one of it's children """ for child in self.children: if not direct_descendants: for node in child.iterate(): yield node else: yield child yield self
# TODO: better type refinement of 'viso=itor'
[docs] def visit(self, visitor: typing.Any) -> None: """ Introspect on this behaviour with a visitor. This is functionality that enables external introspection into the behaviour. It gets used by the tree manager classes to collect information as ticking traverses a tree. Args: visitor: the visiting class, must have a run(:class:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour`) method. """
[docs] def stop(self, new_status: common.Status) -> None: """ Stop the behaviour with the specified status. Args: new_status: the behaviour is transitioning to this new status This is called to bring the current round of activity for the behaviour to completion, typically resulting in a final status of :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS`, :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE` or :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.INVALID`. .. warning:: Users should not override this method to provide custom termination behaviour. The :meth:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour.terminate` method has been provided for that purpose. """ self.logger.debug( "%s.stop(%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, "%s->%s" % (self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "%s" % new_status, ) ) self.terminate(new_status) self.status = new_status self.iterator = self.tick()
############################################ # Public - introspection API ############################################
[docs] def has_parent_with_name(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Search this behaviour's ancestors for one with the specified name. Args: name: name of the parent to match, can be a regular expression Returns: whether a parent was found or not """ pattern = re.compile(name) b = self while b.parent is not None: if pattern.match( is not None: return True b = b.parent return False
[docs] def has_parent_with_instance_type( self, instance_type: "typing.Type[Behaviour]" ) -> bool: """ Search this behaviour's ancestors for one of the specified type. Args: instance type of the parent to match Returns: whether a parent was found or not """ b = self while b.parent is not None: if isinstance(b.parent, instance_type): return True b = b.parent return False
[docs] def tip(self) -> typing.Optional[Behaviour]: """ Get the *tip* of this behaviour's subtree (if it has one). This corresponds to the the deepest node that was running before the subtree traversal reversed direction and headed back to this node. Returns: The deepest node (behaviour) that was running before subtree traversal reversed direction, or None if this behaviour's status is :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.INVALID`. """ return self if self.status != common.Status.INVALID else None
############################################################################## # Mypy Convenience Types ############################################################################## BehaviourSubClass = typing.TypeVar("BehaviourSubClass", bound=Behaviour) # BehaviourUpdateMethod = typing.Callable[[BehaviourSubClass], common.Status]