Source code for py_trees.demos.blackboard_remappings

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

A py_trees demo.

.. argparse::
   :module: py_trees.demos.blackboard_remappings
   :func: command_line_argument_parser
   :prog: py-trees-demo-blackboard-remappings

.. figure:: images/blackboard_remappings.png
   :align: center

   Console Screenshot

# Imports

import argparse
import typing

import py_trees
import py_trees.console as console

# Classes

[docs]def description() -> str: """ Print description and usage information about the program. Returns: the program description string """ content = "Demonstrates usage of blackbord remappings.\n" content += "\n" content += "Demonstration is via an exemplar behaviour making use of remappings..\n" if py_trees.console.has_colours: banner_line = + "*" * 79 + "\n" + console.reset s = banner_line s += console.bold_white + "Blackboard".center(79) + "\n" + console.reset s += banner_line s += "\n" s += content s += "\n" s += banner_line else: s = content return s
[docs]def epilog() -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Print a noodly epilog for --help. Returns: the noodly message """ if py_trees.console.has_colours: return ( console.cyan + "And his noodly appendage reached forth to tickle the blessed...\n" + console.reset ) else: return None
[docs]def command_line_argument_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Process command line arguments. Returns: the argument parser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description(), epilog=epilog(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) return parser
[docs]class Remap(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour): """Custom writer that submits a more complicated variable to the blackboard."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, remap_to: typing.Dict[str, str]): """ Set up the blackboard and remap variables. Args: name: behaviour name remap_to: remappings (from variable name to variable name) """ super().__init__(name=name) self.logger.debug("%s.__init__()" % (self.__class__.__name__)) self.blackboard = self.attach_blackboard_client() self.blackboard.register_key( key="/foo/bar/wow", access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE, remap_to=remap_to["/foo/bar/wow"], )
[docs] def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status: """Write a dictionary to the blackboard. This beaviour always returns :data:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS`. """ self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % (self.__class__.__name__)) = "colander" return py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
############################################################################## # Main ##############################################################################
[docs]def main() -> None: """Entry point for the demo script.""" _ = ( command_line_argument_parser().parse_args() ) # configuration only, no arg processing print(description()) py_trees.logging.level = py_trees.logging.Level.DEBUG py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard.enable_activity_stream(maximum_size=100) root = Remap(name="Remap", remap_to={"/foo/bar/wow": "/parameters/wow"}) #################### # Execute #################### root.tick_once() print(root.blackboard) print(py_trees.display.unicode_blackboard()) print(py_trees.display.unicode_blackboard_activity_stream())