Source code for py_trees.demos.logging

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

A py_trees demo.

.. argparse::
   :module: py_trees.demos.logging
   :func: command_line_argument_parser
   :prog: py-trees-demo-logging

.. graphviz:: dot/

.. image:: images/logging.gif

# Imports

import argparse
import functools
import json
import sys
import time
import typing

import py_trees
import py_trees.console as console

# Classes

[docs]def description(root: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour) -> str: """ Print description and usage information about the program. Returns: the program description string """ content = "A demonstration of logging with trees.\n\n" content += "This demo utilises a SnapshotVisitor to trigger\n" content += "a post-tick handler to dump a serialisation of the\n" content += "tree to a json log file.\n" content += "\n" content += "This coupling of visitor and post-tick handler can be\n" content += "used for any kind of event handling - the visitor is the\n" content += "trigger and the post-tick handler the action. Aside from\n" content += "logging, the most common use case is to serialise the tree\n" content += "for messaging to a graphical, runtime monitor.\n" content += "\n" if py_trees.console.has_colours: banner_line = + "*" * 79 + "\n" + console.reset s = banner_line s += console.bold_white + "Logging".center(79) + "\n" + console.reset s += banner_line s += "\n" s += content s += "\n" s += py_trees.display.unicode_tree(root) s += "\n" s += banner_line else: s = content return s
[docs]def epilog() -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Print a noodly epilog for --help. Returns: the noodly message """ if py_trees.console.has_colours: return ( console.cyan + "And his noodly appendage reached forth to tickle the blessed...\n" + console.reset ) else: return None
[docs]def command_line_argument_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Process command line arguments. Returns: the argument parser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description(create_tree()), epilog=epilog(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "-r", "--render", action="store_true", help="render dot tree to file" ) group.add_argument( "-i", "--interactive", action="store_true", help="pause and wait for keypress at each tick", ) return parser
[docs]def logger( snapshot_visitor: py_trees.visitors.DisplaySnapshotVisitor, behaviour_tree: py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree, ) -> None: """Log the tree (relevant parts thereof) to a yaml file. Use as a post-tick handler for a tree. """ if snapshot_visitor.changed: print(console.cyan + "Logging.......................yes\n" + console.reset) tree_serialisation = {"tick": behaviour_tree.count, "nodes": []} for node in behaviour_tree.root.iterate(): node_type_str = "Behaviour" for behaviour_type in [ py_trees.composites.Sequence, py_trees.composites.Selector, py_trees.composites.Parallel, py_trees.decorators.Decorator, ]: if isinstance(node, behaviour_type): node_type_str = behaviour_type.__name__ if node.tip() is not None: node_tip = node.tip() assert node_tip is not None # help mypy node_tip_id = str( else: node_tip_id = "none" node_snapshot = { "name":, "id": str(, "parent_id": str( if node.parent else "none", "child_ids": [str( for child in node.children], "tip_id": node_tip_id, "class_name": str(node.__module__) + "." + str(type(node).__name__), "type": node_type_str, "status": node.status.value, "message": node.feedback_message, "is_active": True if in snapshot_visitor.visited else False, } typing.cast(list, tree_serialisation["nodes"]).append(node_snapshot) if behaviour_tree.count == 0: with open("dump.json", "w+") as outfile: json.dump(tree_serialisation, outfile, indent=4) else: with open("dump.json", "a") as outfile: json.dump(tree_serialisation, outfile, indent=4) else: print(console.yellow + "\n" + console.reset)
[docs]def create_tree() -> py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour: """ Create the root behaviour and it's subtree. Returns: the root behaviour """ every_n_success = py_trees.behaviours.SuccessEveryN("EveryN", 5) sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="Sequence", memory=True) guard = py_trees.behaviours.Success("Guard") periodic_success = py_trees.behaviours.Periodic("Periodic", 3) finisher = py_trees.behaviours.Success("Finisher") sequence.add_child(guard) sequence.add_child(periodic_success) sequence.add_child(finisher) sequence.blackbox_level = py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.COMPONENT idle = py_trees.behaviours.Success("Idle") root = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="Logging", memory=False) root.add_child(every_n_success) root.add_child(sequence) root.add_child(idle) return root
############################################################################## # Main ##############################################################################
[docs]def main() -> None: """Entry point for the demo script.""" args = command_line_argument_parser().parse_args() py_trees.logging.level = py_trees.logging.Level.DEBUG tree = create_tree() print(description(tree)) #################### # Rendering #################### if args.render: py_trees.display.render_dot_tree(tree) sys.exit() #################### # Tree Stewardship #################### behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(tree) debug_visitor = py_trees.visitors.DebugVisitor() snapshot_visitor = py_trees.visitors.DisplaySnapshotVisitor() behaviour_tree.visitors.append(debug_visitor) behaviour_tree.visitors.append(snapshot_visitor) behaviour_tree.add_post_tick_handler(functools.partial(logger, snapshot_visitor)) behaviour_tree.setup(timeout=15) #################### # Tick Tock #################### if args.interactive: py_trees.console.read_single_keypress() while True: try: behaviour_tree.tick() if args.interactive: py_trees.console.read_single_keypress() else: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: break print("\n")